adknowledge::Evening User Group

[img align=right][/img]Our friends at adknowledge are putting on another evening PHP Users Group.
Topics include:

  • Nic Delorme – Practical Database Performance Optimization with Memcached
  • Ryan Roper & Nick Mallare – Using Amazon Web Services with the Zend Framework
  • Josh Robison – Message Queuing with RabbitMQ and PHP

April 5th, 2011 at 6:30 pm

RSVP and Event Details available in The Official Flyer

January Meeting –

First off…I’m so very sorry the “1st day of the month is a Saturday” bug bit us again in our date block.

Things that got talked about:

[b]Drupal 6/7 Templates – Use Zen[/b]

[b]Drupal and CRM – Anyone know about….[/b]

[b]Do people still write for IE6?[/b]
Fortunately, we say no. But, IE 7 is still a reality. If you have to “support” IE 6 – do what you can with an IE 6 style sheet.

[b]IBM i5 and PHP Using Zend:[/b]
Starting with jQuery and CSS frameworks:

  • jQuery DataTables – filtering, sorting, etc –
  • Some CSS / HTML Templates –

Adknowledge hosting evening user group in December

On Tuesday, December 7th, adknowledge will be hosting an evening PHP User Group meeting at their offices on the plaza.

Whether you are a long time member of the PUG, or just dropped by once–I encourage you to attend. Welcome and Snacks start at 6pm, with QA, speakers and food intermingled throughout.

AND, you won’t go home smelling like coffee!

I hope to see you there!

More details, including RSVP information may be found by clicking on the poster to the right.

September 2010: Other topics

As I’ve already said…there were a ton of great conversations this month. But, I did grab a few links–not at all an exhaustive list. Feel free to add others. (this was just happened to still be open in my browser).

  • Brian is heading to tek-x this next year:
  • Dan is heading to ZendCon in November:
  • Looking for some ways to get into test-driven development or just get some practive? Try porting some to php_unit or your favorite test-suite. Post your test suite to the forums and put us to the challenge as well.
  • Munchkin – Learn Greenfield Test-driven development with PHP:

What else did we talk about? Feel free, add to the comments.

Become Famous!!

And, We’re Back!

We had a great meeting today. Thank you all for coming by for the discussions.

I’m also happy to announce the site is (hopefully) back on line. It appears that our 4 month hiatus on the web has to do with our ancient CMS we are using. One day….ONE DAY we will upgrade to something modern.

Feel free to post your suggestions below.

Read more if you want to know the simple solution.

I’m going to go hang my head in shame for leaving our happy home off-line for so long.

See you in October!!

I’m guessing a Dreamhost update changed our longvars setting, so none of the pages were finding the values we were passing. After reading the support wiki on setting up fast cgi, I gave up and just put these at the top of a widely included file.


/hangs head in shame šŸ™

An overview of PHP frameworks

I just ran across an overview that covers quite a few MVC frameworks for PHP. It’s basically a list of the frameworks with a few sentences to give you a general idea of each framework’s focus and a link to its website. If you haven’t started working with a framework yet, this might point you in the right direction.

Full article on Onextrapixel: [url=]An Overview of PHP Framework Guides for Developers[/url] via [url=]Hacker News[/url]

Great ways to Improve your game!

[img align=right][/img]Anyone who knows me knows that I am a fanboy of two great companies: Google and Zend.

No, wait…come back. This isn’t really about either of them!!

Actually, it’s about you. Are you looking to beef up your skills and catch some new ideas, but don’t have a lot of free time? How does Free PHP Conference from your car sound?

Great! Well grab that smartphone or MP3 player and an FM transmitter (if your radio is old like mine) and take some free sessions from ZendCon on the road! There are three great ways to subscribe:

  • Subscribe Google Listen on that Android phone of yours to [url= ]subscribe[/url] to the ZendCon Sessions Podcast . (Or use any other RSS reader)
  • Point itunes at [url= ]iTunes podcast link[/url]
  • Or, just visit right from your browser.

Either way, 30 conference sessions from ZendCon 2008 and 2009 are out there and growing. All ready for easy download.

Donā€™t know where to start? I currently enjoying [url= l]Episode 26: Best Practices of PHP Development[/url] from ZendCon 2008. Itā€™s 3 hours of content, so donā€™t do it all in one sitting. But, all great stuff for everyone: Revision control (git and svn), coding standards, testing, documentation generation. A great talk for every developer.

There are also talks on PHP 5.3, CouchDB, Security, PECL, PDO, Query Tuningā€¦.and itā€™s amazingā€”you really donā€™t need the slides! But, many of the talks do have their slides hosted on slideshareā€¦just check the browser link above.

So, stop checking up on e-mail on your car ride home, and do something useful! It may just save your life!

Have a great trip!

December 2009 :: Meeting Notes

We had a nice rolling conversation this month. Some of the topics that were discussed (in no particular order) were:

[url=]Joomla in Search Friendly URLs[/url]
[url=]For more on Joomla[/url]
[url=]Zend Framework API Docs[/url] – Looking for the Options for each Zend Form Decorator, Just choose the Zend_Form package, and view the Decorators.
[url=]Kohana 3 “Pre” release[/url]
[url=]Unoffical Kohana wiki[/url]

As our discussions seemed to revolve around frameworks, you may find some of these recent framework reviews helpful if you are choosing which one you want to try next:
[url=]Server site, client side frameworks[/url]

Feel free to add more related links to the comments.