Hump Day Link Dump – Nov. 11, 2009

This week’s links:
[url=]PHP Library Interoperability Standards[/url]

[url=]PHP Founder Rasmus Lerdorf leaves Yahoo[/url]

[url=]Managing File Uploads with Zend Framework[/url]

[url=]Teach yourself how to code (not PHP specific)[/url]

[url=]A simple PHP Database class[/url]

[url=]Helicon Ape: an Apache emulator for ISS.[/url] [i]Why?![/i] 😆

OAMP: Setting up a secure AMP stack on OpenBSD 4.6

This morning, I posted my walk-through for getting [url=]Apache, MySQL and PHP working properly on OpenBSD 4.6[/url], which was released last week. The PHP package for OpenBSD already contains the [url=]Suhosin Hardened-PHP[/url] patches, and Apache is already patched and configured for use in a restricted chroot environment. Arguably, this is the most secure AMP server you’ll ever build.

To that end, installation is pretty straight-forward, but there are a few tricks you need to know in order to make your favorite AMP web applications (joomla, wordpress and others) work in this secure environment. I’ve outlined the entire installation procedure starting from a pristine installation of OpenBSD.

Full article: [url=]OAMP: OpenBSD 4.6 + Chroot Apache + MySQL + PHP[/url]

October 2009 Meeting

Unfortunately, due to family obligations, neither Dan nor I will be able to make it to the October meeting. KC PHP User Group has become a fairly autonomous group, so this doesn’t mean the meeting is canceled. It just means the tables won’t be arranged in the front north corner ahead of time. Please, feel free to show up and share your projects with one another and get input from the group, though! I’ll see you in November!


PHP 5.3 Released!

PHP 5.3 was released 6/30/09. It brings [url=]some big changes[/url] to PHP — among them: namespaces, closures, a few shortcuts, nowdoc, and changes to heredoc and PHP.ini.

Be sure to read the [url=]Migration Guide[/url] before upgrading to the latest and greatest.

June 2009 – Topics

Some of the things that came up today:

Doing a simple data query from Drupal

Two CMS apps that look very mature but many of us hadn’t heard of yet.
Typolight –
ModX –
Surreal CMS –

This made me go look up some good sources of CMS recomendations

IDE’s coupled with Hosting

Using Google Picasa to host/manage images for a website
Using Yahoo Pipes or Google Reader to aggregate rss feeds

Google Wave

Stuff this month.

Noah pointed out a new MVC framework he has been looking at. Hopefully, he will get some time to play with it soon. Looks super light, and clean.

Eric pointed out some changes he has been seeing in the Zend Framework, especially in a command line system called Zend Tool.


Another nice feature of it, is when you create your initial project, you can easily define which stage your project is in. This then controls things like the verbosity of your error pages.

Eric also pointed out that there is a new version of Lime Survey–Now with cool graphs!

Plenty of other chatting going on. Firefox plugins, the future of MySQL, jobs out there, and more.

Hope to see you next month!

MySQL Branch Projects

Recently, Oracle announced that it will acquire Sun and of course it gets MySQL in the deal ([url=]Slashdot[/url]).

This obviously casts some doubt on MySQL’s future, so I’d like to point out some MySQL fork projects. Several ex-MySQL developers have been busy and there’s already some promising alternatives to the original.

[url=]MariaDB[/url]: This community driven project is named after a new database engine. The original MyISAM developers are working on an engine that is suitable both for transactional and non-transactional uses. This is no doubt intended to help them steer clear of Oracle’s claims on InnoDB technology.

[url=]Drizzle[/url]: Reversing a long trend of MySQL working to be a more credible enterprise solution, this project is focused on making a lighter database. Their first milestone has focused on cleaning up the code and cutting the fat.

[url=]OurDelta[/url]: Also driven by ex-MySQL gurus, this fork appears to be the most mainstream and looks like it will pick up where MySQL left off.

[url=]also on my blog[/url]

March 2009 – Topics

This month we had nice chat about:

  • [url=][/url], [url=][/url], [url=][/url]
  • [url=][/url]
  • [url=]Eclipse PDT[/url] – IDE for PHP with Debugging
  • [url=][/url]
  • [url=][/url]
  • [url=]Drupal[/url]

Free College Day at JCCC – April 2009

[i]Update 3/27/2009: It appears the classes our sold out. But still, check around…there may be other things of interest out there!![/i]

[quote]As part of Johnson County Community College’s 40th anniversary celebration, JCCC’s faculty and staff have volunteered to offer the public an afternoon of free classes as a way to say thank you to the community. You’ll find more than 200 40-minute classes – arts, business, computers, language and more! – that you can take for free on Saturday afternoon, April 18.[/quote]

In April, I will be one of these volunteers offering two PHP classes:

  • PHP Boot Camp
  • Setting Up a Website with Drupal and PHP

You can find other [url=]computer mini-classes[/url] absolutly free on April 18. There are a ton of other topics, and I here there will be cookies or something for between the classes.

Check the [url=]FCD website[/url] for more information.

Cowtown Computer Congress Affiliate Night

After the February meeting, a few KCPUG folks went down to check out the new space that CCCKC has rented. The 1,400 Square-foot facility is just about a mile off of I-35.

Grand Opening week is March 2nd through 7th. Monday, March 2nd is going to be Affiliate Night, where local organizations can meet the other groups that will be using the space and learn about the space from participating members. The kick-off will start at 6:30PM.

We haven’t decided if the meeting will move away from Daily Dose yet, but this is a good opportunity to check out the space and learn what this technology cooperative is all about.

Directions: Take I-35 to the Rainbow/7th St exit and go East to Southwest Boulevard. Turn Left (North-East) and take Southwest Boulevard to 31st street. Turn right after you pass QuikTrip. Follow 31st St to Mercier, where you’ll find an elevator tower to access the cave space. If the door is locked. call 816-931-1148 and someone will come up and unlock the door. Most likely, someone will be topside to greet you.