I’m kicking around the idea of developing an introduction to PHP series along the lines of the Ruby on Rails and Python classes being held over at Kauffman Labs. This would likely be outside of our normal User Group schedule, so don’t think we still couldn’t touch on any of these in our group sometime.
The point of the series would be get new developers up to speed by writing something useful. I could see it even being used to show off PHP as the perfect platform for any level of developer to get something out their quickly, but leave them with enough foundation they could build for the long haul as well.
I’d love to hear some of your thoughts on technology choices in PHP for such a series. I haven’t taught a formal intro PHP class since Smarty was the hot new thing, so I could really use your help. There are just so many really great options to choose from. I’d love to hear of first-hand experiences, but any ideas will be appreciated.
Read on if you are interested in helping.