[url=http://www.brotherjonathan.org/][img align=right]http://www.kcpug.org/site/uploads/img4231cd1232be1.gif[/img][/url]
[b]Help Jared finish this remarkable ERP/MRP system! [/b]
Are you looking for a nice Open Source, PHP/MySQL Project to contribute to? How about something nice and impressive to add to your resume? Look no farther than BrotherJonathan. Nearly complete, this project just needs a little TLC to take it to it’s 1.0 release! And you can help!
[b]Help Jared finish this remarkable ERP/MRP system! [/b]
Are you looking for a nice Open Source, PHP/MySQL Project to contribute to? How about something nice and impressive to add to your resume? Look no farther than BrotherJonathan. Nearly complete, this project just needs a little TLC to take it to it’s 1.0 release! And you can help!
Visit [url=http://www.brotherjonathan.org/]brotherjonathan.org[/url] for more information, screenshots, demos and downloads!