KCITP – Hack The Midwest

Are you looking for a chance to sharpen your development skills and maybe win some cool prizes?

Michael Gelphman and KCITP are hosting Hack the Midwest – A hackathon event for the developers in the Kansas City Area.  Whether you want to flex your PHP might, or work in something else like node, python, ruby or perl–you will certainly leave with more then you entered with!

If you haven’t heard about this event, be sure to check out :
3 Reasons Why Developers Need To Attend Hack The Midwest

Learn more about the specifics from:

Go get registered, and represent!! 🙂

Woah, sorry about your RSS feed. :-)

Well, the good news is–I’ve actually started (actively) working on the site migration to WordPress! But, if you subscribe to this site from our RSS link, you may have gotten a little flooded this weekend.

I was looking into ways to migrate the content. While I didn’t go the RSS route, I did tweak our current feed. And, let it ALL out I think.

Anyway, I have a procedure for migrating users who have posted anything, ever as well as the posts. I’m most likely going to move comments over-just not yet sure about our forums though.

My plan is to get the base system up with a modestly simple theme. Then, as a group we can shape it’s direction and watch it grow. Hopefully I’ll have more to update at this weekend’s meeting!


PHP|Arch opens its library to new subscribers Aug 29 – Sep 3rd 2011

I saw this in a tweet from [url=http://twitter.com/#!/Remi_Woler]@Remi_Woler[/url] this morning, and am probably going to get a subscription tonight:

$44 / yr alone is a great price–their issues always have a few stories I want to read. Now that they are throwing in their entire digital library of back issues–that just makes it even more enticing.

I know I don’t seem to have the time to read either, but it’s certainly cheaper than dragging my backside to ZendCon this year.

Happy reading!

KCITP Summer Happy Hour

[size=large]Help KCITP celebrate their 3 year anniversary![/size]Just a note to share word about this KCITP happy hour event I’ll be going to. Join us from 5:30 – 7:30pm on Wednesday, August 3rd @ [url=http://www.waldowell.com/]The Waldo Well[/url].

From their site:
[quote]In addition to helping to celebrate this milestone, our happy hours are a great way to come connect with your fellow geeks and talk about the latest in technology trends.

Find a mentor! Meet a business partner to help you execute on that startup idea you’ve always dreamed of!

Build new connections!

More information and registration / RSVP info on their site:

KCITP Career Fair – 2011

Looking for a new Job? Our friends (ok, tweeps) at [url=http://twitter.com/@kcitp]@KCITP[/url] are hosting a career fair at JCCC this month!

June 21st from 10am – 2pm @ JCCC

They have 9 participating companies: Cerner, DST, Commerce Bank, Sprint, Digital Evolution Group, Perceptive Software, Red Nova Labs, Multi Service & SMG.

These companies are hiring for:

– Mid/Sr level Software Engineers w/ one or more of these languages: PHP/.NET/C#/Java/Perl
– Mid/Sr level DBAs: SQL Server and/or Oracle
– Systems Engineers
– Security Analysts
– IT Project Managers / Business Analysts

…..and more!

Details can be found here, including registration & requirements: http://www.kcitp.com/2011/06/01/kcitp-job-fair/

WordCamp coming to Kansas City

I wanted to give a shout out and plug to WordCamp Kansas City!

Whether you are using WordPress out of the box, as a development framework or just keeping your options open–there looks to be something for everyone.

Where: Johnson County Community College
When: June 11-12, 2011
Cost: $50/$40 (students)

You can check out their [url=http://www.wckansascity.org/schedule/]schedule[/url] on their site: http://wckansascity.org

JCCC Free College Day 2011

Johnson County Community College will be hosting their free college day on April 30th. I’ve signed up to do a couple of talks–and far less general than last time.

It’s a day of free fun and learning for the community, even with entertainment!

<plug type=’shameless’>

    Seats are still available in my two sessions:

    [url=”https://secure.touchnet.com/C20110_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=7593&SINGLESTORE=true”]Dynamically Creating Spreadsheets with PHPExcel (1pm)[/url]
    [url=https://secure.touchnet.com/C20110_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=7592&SINGLESTORE=true]Creating Your Own Custom Search with Apache Solr (2pm)[/url]


The PHPExcel talk will be very similar to the one I did this month here at the PUG. And, the Solr one may be May’s talk (unless someone else volunteers). But, there will be free cookies!!

Oh, and you can check out all the other [url=”https://secure.touchnet.com/C20110_ustores/web/store_cat.jsp?STOREID=24&CATID=395&SINGLESTORE=true”]Technology classes[/url] or find anything that floats your boat from the [url=http://www.jccc.edu/freecollegeday/index.html]Free College Day[/url] website.

April 2011 :: Meeting Notes

We had another great set of discussions this week. Google, Pros and cons (but interestingly not a compare) of Win / Mac for development, Brian brought up some insights from a talk from Rasmus you can find here:

Rasmus talk: http://ontwik.com/php/php-performance-by-rasmus-lerdorf/

Plenty of other great things too.

Finally, the group let me give a talk on [url=http://phpexcel.codeplex.com]PHP_Excel[/url]. Feel free to find the [url=http://kcpug.org/doghouse/2011_apr/PHP_Excel.pdf]slides in PDF here[/url]. (sorry Noah–but should be virus free. 🙂 )

Comments, as always are welcome below.

adknowledge::Evening User Group

[img align=right]http://www.kcpug.org/site/uploads/img4d85181c7d919.png[/img]Our friends at adknowledge are putting on another evening PHP Users Group.
Topics include:

  • Nic Delorme – Practical Database Performance Optimization with Memcached
  • Ryan Roper & Nick Mallare – Using Amazon Web Services with the Zend Framework
  • Josh Robison – Message Queuing with RabbitMQ and PHP

April 5th, 2011 at 6:30 pm

RSVP and Event Details available in The Official Flyer