Developing PHP with Sublime Text 2

In our February meeting, one of our newest members mentioned he had begun using Sublime Text for PHP development on his Mac. I hadn’t seen it in action before, and almost asked for a demo.

In a stroke of coincidence, PHP community member Stuart Herbert pulled together 14 of his videos showing the various ways he has configured ST2 for PHP Development and it seems people have been tweeting about it today. I couldn’t help but pass it along for all of you…I might have to try it out myself.  Windows, Mac and Linux are supported.

His videos were recorded on a Mac, but I’d love to hear your Linux or Windows experiences too.

Zend Studio for Eclipse – VIDEOS!

If you have been waiting and wondering what Zend was going to do with their Studio for Eclipse–wonder no more!

Here you can get a good feel for what the product is, what it will do for you, etc.

You can even [url=d]download the beta version[/url] and try it yourself!

Pixy: Application vulnerability scanner for PHP code

Cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection (SQLI) vulnerabilities are present in many modern web applications, and are reported continuously on pages such as BugTraq. In the past, finding such vulnerabilities usually involved manual source code audits. Unfortunately, this manual vulnerability search is a very tiresome and error-prone task.

More about Pixy here

PHP Designer – A nifty windows PHP IDE

I’ve been doing some mild PHP Programming at my new job. The contractor before me left a few things installed on the computer, including this little freeware gem that I’ve never heard of.


Of course, the reason I haven’t heard of it is because I don’t usually choose Windows as my development platform. In the corporate world, though, I don’t have much choice. PHP Designer integrates really well with many of the *AMP packages for Windows. They recommend XAMPP however I’m certain it would work equally well with WAMP or the others.

Within, it offers syntax highlighting for several languages aside from C, a built-in PHP debugger (you must have the PHP executable installed somewhere for it to use), and several other features. While I wish it offered VI-esque text editing commands, I’ll survive if it feels a little more like wordpad than vi.

I don’t have much PHP IDE Experience to compare PHP Designer to, but I’ve enjoyed working with it for the past 2 weeks. Give it a shot.

So, just why do I use the command line?

About four times a year, someone asks me something like “Alright Dan, why you still use the command line.” However, I no longer have to fumble with my words…I can simply send them to Red Hat Magazine’s “How I learned to stop worrying and love the command line”. Besides the ever popular Dr. Strangelove reference, Chip Turner shows all of us a thing or two about wielding the power of the command line. In [url=]Part 1[/url], Chip gives us a nice introduction to using common Unix commands to get the job done. In [url=]Part 2[/url], he goes even farther: showing the power of single line perl script.

Every web developer has to manage files. Sometimes….lots and lots of files. And don’t think that this doesn’t apply to you if you don’t run Linux or Unix. Even Windows Users can []power up their command line[/url].

Sitepoint Reviews JEdit

If you are running MacOS X, OS/2, *nix, VMS or any of those other operating systems that supports Java, you might be interested in reading [url=]SitePoint’s Review of jEdit[/url]. This developer’s editor uses a plug-in based architecture to allow for everything that a budding coder needs: from spell-checking to php support. If you have been looking for a feature filled replacement for your current editor, take a peak a [url=]jEdit[/url].

Maguma Workbench 2.1

Maguma Workbench version 2.1 is now available!

Version 2.1.0 represents the latest in the Workbench series offered by Maguma GmbH. This PHP IDE gives the user features like: debugging support via Xdebug, modular plugin architecture for easy extensibility, remote file handling and editing through both FTP and SFTP.

New features added to this enhanced release include PHP5 support, improved remote file support, localized support for the languages english and german (additional languages will be added in future versions), as well as overall increases in stability and compatibility.

With the user community’s active participation through promptly reporting any problems occurring, we have been able to aggressively remove roadblocks to the efficient development of PHP applications with Workbench. This version also includes several long awaited features requested by our users.

Current members can login to download this latest version here.

If you are not a member you can register here to allow you to try out Maguma Workbench for 30 days free of charge.

If you would like to know all the changes included in version 2.1 you may view the changelog here.

Free PHP IDE w/ Debugger

There is a new free PHP IDE available from a company called Maguma. It is for windows 98, Me, 2000, and XP. If you download the complete version it installs PHP 4.3 on your machine and it adds debugging functionality to the IDE. Sounds pretty nifty. I downloaded it the other day on my home computer but haven’t really tried it out yet. If anyone is looking for a free PHP development program with advanced functionality you might want to try it and let us know what you think.