Open Source Opportunity

If you would like to help out an open-source project but don’t know where to start, check out the Fourth Symfony Docs Hack Day on Saturday, May 21 from 2:00 AM CDT to 2:00 PM CDT (Note: you do not need to be active in this for the entire 12 hours).

If you’ve never contributed to open source before, this is a great way to start! Check out the introduction mini-workshop, hang out on #symfony-docs (on FreeNode on IRC) before and during the event, and do what you can to contribute. This is a low-pressure event and all involved want to help you contribute in the best way that you can.

Bryan Geraghty: Why I choose PHP

In a recent blog post, KC PUG member Bryan Geraghty examines why he chooses PHP to develop applications.  Bryan’s examination takes his security-focused perspective into account, and explores some ideas not commonly seen elsewhere.

Bryan is preparing a series of PHP Security focused talks for KC PUG, so certainly check it out.

Developing PHP with Sublime Text 2

In our February meeting, one of our newest members mentioned he had begun using Sublime Text for PHP development on his Mac. I hadn’t seen it in action before, and almost asked for a demo.

In a stroke of coincidence, PHP community member Stuart Herbert pulled together 14 of his videos showing the various ways he has configured ST2 for PHP Development and it seems people have been tweeting about it today. I couldn’t help but pass it along for all of you…I might have to try it out myself.  Windows, Mac and Linux are supported.

His videos were recorded on a Mac, but I’d love to hear your Linux or Windows experiences too.

An overview of PHP frameworks

I just ran across an overview that covers quite a few MVC frameworks for PHP. It’s basically a list of the frameworks with a few sentences to give you a general idea of each framework’s focus and a link to its website. If you haven’t started working with a framework yet, this might point you in the right direction.

Full article on Onextrapixel: [url=]An Overview of PHP Framework Guides for Developers[/url] via [url=]Hacker News[/url]

Hump Day Link Dump – Nov. 11, 2009

This week’s links:
[url=]PHP Library Interoperability Standards[/url]

[url=]PHP Founder Rasmus Lerdorf leaves Yahoo[/url]

[url=]Managing File Uploads with Zend Framework[/url]

[url=]Teach yourself how to code (not PHP specific)[/url]

[url=]A simple PHP Database class[/url]

[url=]Helicon Ape: an Apache emulator for ISS.[/url] [i]Why?![/i] 😆

OAMP: Setting up a secure AMP stack on OpenBSD 4.6

This morning, I posted my walk-through for getting [url=]Apache, MySQL and PHP working properly on OpenBSD 4.6[/url], which was released last week. The PHP package for OpenBSD already contains the [url=]Suhosin Hardened-PHP[/url] patches, and Apache is already patched and configured for use in a restricted chroot environment. Arguably, this is the most secure AMP server you’ll ever build.

To that end, installation is pretty straight-forward, but there are a few tricks you need to know in order to make your favorite AMP web applications (joomla, wordpress and others) work in this secure environment. I’ve outlined the entire installation procedure starting from a pristine installation of OpenBSD.

Full article: [url=]OAMP: OpenBSD 4.6 + Chroot Apache + MySQL + PHP[/url]

PHP 5.3 Released!

PHP 5.3 was released 6/30/09. It brings [url=]some big changes[/url] to PHP — among them: namespaces, closures, a few shortcuts, nowdoc, and changes to heredoc and PHP.ini.

Be sure to read the [url=]Migration Guide[/url] before upgrading to the latest and greatest.

Develop web Applications using the MVC CakePHP Framework with New Book from Pack

CakePHP Application Development is a new book announced by Packt, which is designed as a step-by-step introduction to rapid web development using the CakePHP Framework. Written by Anupom Syam and Ahsanul Bari, the book aims to assist PHP programmers to develop and deploy well-crafted and robust web-based applications with the open source MVC CakePHP framework.

CakePHP is an open source web application framework written in PHP. It uses well-known design patterns and provides a structured framework that enables PHP users to develop robust web applications, without any loss of flexibility. The user can code faster, better, and it makes writing Web 2.0-style applications easier.

The book introduces the user to installing the MVC Framework and building his first application, and follows with looking at each main component of a CakePHP application in detail. The book also teaches how to build Web 2.0 style applications using a case study application.

This book walks the PHP developer through setting up a CakePHP environment, and develops an example application to illustrate all of the techniques the user needs to write a complete, non-trivial application in PHP. The user will also learn about the MVC pattern and coding styles through practical examples.

PHP developers wanting to develop cutting-edge Web 2.0 applications, or see how to write code in a faster, more productive way will find this book useful.

For more details on the book, please visit

How do you Time and Profile your code?

In July, I am planning to do a presentation on some ways to time and profile your code. Rather than this being a “what Dan found on Google” talk, what are some of the tools or techniques you use to find the trouble spots in your code?

Add your ideas to the comments and I’ll do what I can to fold them into the presentation.

Does anyone really use PHP anymore?

I was at training this week, and got into a discussion with an ASP developer in the break room. He ended up asking me: “Does anyone really use PHP anymore?” Naturally, I have him a resounding “Of Course!” But, other than some local sites I couldn’t tell him for sure who anymore.

Then today, my inbox had a little gift from Zend. They have provided a list of case studies, including one on Fox Interactive’s IGN sites who have recently rolled out Grand Theft Auto ‘Hood, Super Smash Bros World, and Voodoo Extreme–all of which are using the Zend Framework and PHP 5.

You can read more about it (including the full whitepaper) and other case studies at: