Does anyone really use PHP anymore?

I was at training this week, and got into a discussion with an ASP developer in the break room. He ended up asking me: “Does anyone really use PHP anymore?” Naturally, I have him a resounding “Of Course!” But, other than some local sites I couldn’t tell him for sure who anymore.

Then today, my inbox had a little gift from Zend. They have provided a list of case studies, including one on Fox Interactive’s IGN sites who have recently rolled out Grand Theft Auto ‘Hood, Super Smash Bros World, and Voodoo Extreme–all of which are using the Zend Framework and PHP 5.

You can read more about it (including the full whitepaper) and other case studies at:

3 thoughts on “Does anyone really use PHP anymore?

  1. Re: Does anyone really use PHP anymore?
    absolutely,, and many other popular social sites all use php or some framework of it.
    many the forum/blog/cms/e-commerce solutions are php-based
    for instance I have never heard of a ASP Drupal or WordPress
  2. Re: Does anyone really use PHP anymore?
    That is funny, most companies using ASP are pretty far behind the curve, not to mention most of it’s coders would rather be using PHP if only their company could get a clue.

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