[url=http://www.h-i-r.net/2008/01/sysadmin-sunday-openbsd-apache-mysql.html]Sysadmin Sunday: OpenBSD, Apache, MySQL and PHP[/url]
Category Archives: Tutorials and News
Zend Studio for Eclipse – VIDEOS!
Here you can get a good feel for what the product is, what it will do for you, etc.
You can even [url=dhttp://www.zend.com/free_download/studio]download the beta version[/url] and try it yourself!
40 Tips for optimizing your php Code
And, it is just kind of fun reading.
[url=http://www.kcpug.org/site/modules/mylinks/visit.php?cid=1&lid=50]40 Tips for optimizing your php Code[/url]
Thanks Joel!
Three PHP Frameworks Compared/Contrasted
Part I: [url=http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-php-fwk1/index.html]Getting Started[/url]
Part II: Building the application in each of the frameworks – compare and contrast.
Part III: Weaknesses in each of the frameworks when extending the application
Part IV: AJAX support
Part V: Working outside of the frameworks
Building a better Programmer
Look at that old cruddy PHP code you worked on two years ago. You know what I’m talking about. Seriously, it’s only cruddy because you are two years wiser–two years more experienced. The site is still up–still maintainible.
Now, go learn Ruby and Rails…go learn .NET, J2EE or who knows what else. When you come back to PHP (and you will ;-)) you are going to crank out the meanest, slickest, hottest code you ever wrote.
That’s the lesson I liked so much: Never stop learning new ways to make the best tool for the job even better.
Scripting Fun :: Automatic Next Meeting Date Calculation
If you want to have some fun with a nice academic exercise, read the article and start hacking!
Now make me proud and post your improvements.
Happy Hacking!!
PHP 4 End-Of-Life Announced
The end is in sight for the 7-year-old but still popular version 4 of PHP, open-source software that lets servers create customized Web pages such as online catalog pages or a list of search results.[/quote]
Full Story via cNet News.com
HTML Purifier
Well, be troubled no more. Check out the [url=http://htmlpurifier.org/]HTML Purifier[/url] today. Now in version 2.0: tidy and tag extensibility!
[url=http://htmlpurifier.org/news/2.0.0-released.html]Get your HTML Purifier today[/url] and code safer!