Getting text from users.

I have been learning a lot from hanging out on these days. Especially the PHP Blog run by Harry Fuecks (yes, the phppatters guy). Those of you who know me know of my completely biased opinion towards this man.

Anyway, my search for alternative ways of entering content into our content management system has led me here:

You may be interested in their Text_Wiki and Text_Diff pear packages. Text_Wiki is not yet in the pear system, but can be downloaded and installed using the pear command.

The site also sports a very nice template system called Savant. It is simple, clean and uses PHP as its template engine. No, it is not as feature filled as Smarty, but it seems to be a lot less confusing.

And, for what it’s worth, we have currently ended up with the FCKEditor from . It is windows/IE only for now, but degrades nicely into a text box for all other systems. Hmmm…a text box that uses Text_Wiki perhaps…

Anyone else have tools they like to use?

Happy PHPing.

– Dan

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