Spirits, Coffee and PHP: all at the next PUG.
Please read on for more
UPDATE: Fri Aug 15 15:19:21 CDT 2003 – dholmes
As discussed last month, the meeting time for August 16th has been moved to 2:00. I’ll still be there at 1:30, since I didn’t get this out earlier. Wouldn’t want anyone sitting around by their lonesome. 😉
This month we are going to try something new. At the meeting in June, we discussed the PUG and its future. Many of us feel that the month-after-month classroom setting is “sucking the life force” out of the group…slowly turning it into a mini convention seminar. Presentations are good but it’s not really the social learning-exchange that many of us were hoping for.
Therefore, for the next couple of months, we are going to try something a little different. Our user-group will not be meeting at the college, instead we will be meeting at the Daily Dose Coffee House and Bar at 135th and Quivera.
Not only does this place have a great atmosphere with full-service coffee and “specialty” drinks…it has the much needed feature of free Wi-Fi.
I know that the “groups preference” (according to the poll) is for an evening time. Unfortunately for us, this place is completely jammed in the evenings. However, Saturday afternoons are very quiet.
So, as an experiment we will be meeting up on the third Saturday of July and August (for now) at the Daily Dose starting at 1:30pm.
This month we will be multi-round-table discussing the basics of classes in PHP; a quick intro, then an open discussion on how we use them to separate our logic. (Thanks for the topic suggestion, bodie.) I’ll also bring my Design Patterns book, to add to the discussion; feel free to bring whatever you would like as well.
This will then lead into August’s topic of Separating Logic from Presentation with Smarty: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and and Love the Model-View-Controller Pattern. (Thank you skatterbean.)
I look forward to seeing you there!!!
For more information on the Daily Dose such as a map and which credit cards they take, you can check out their entry at opkansas.org.
I’ll also be sending this out in an email to all of you who have “signed up” with the site or the message boards. If you don’t want to be included in future mailing, just send me a message, and I’ll try to figure something out. 😉