June 17th, 2006 :: AJAX Revisited, revisted

Well, it took a whole month, but I did slightly re-tool last month’s demo of SACK (the Simple Ajax Toolkit) to work on our test site. Now, it searches against the kcpug.org member’s list. I’ve also added the “setTimeOut()” functionality to make it feel a little more stable. Be sure to check it out in the index page.

Be sure to check out the [url=http://php5.kcpug.org/ajax-fun/memberlookup/]the ajax-driven member list[/url].

2 thoughts on “June 17th, 2006 :: AJAX Revisited, revisted

  1. Re: June 17th, 2006 :: AJAX Revisited, revisted
    I’m curious to hear what you think about SACK, and how I’m using it here. It fascinates me just how easy it is to use…but I feel dirty somehow. Should this be “harder”? Am I violating some Potential-Web-Service law by getting back strait HTML?

    What do you think?

    BTW – If you happen to notice that the author’s site works again, or if you are Gregory Wild-Smith of http://www.twilightuniverse.com/ , would you mind [url=http://www.kcpug.org/site/modules/contact/]dropping me a line[/url]. Thanks!

    • Re: June 17th, 2006 :: AJAX Revisited, revisted
      i just reccently used SACK on a quick dynamic drop down feature and was happy with its ease of use. had to get the code from here though since that site was down , i also cheated and went with HTML return but not all things will need to be shared with XML

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