In addition to the great people and discussions, we have added two great reasons why you should attend KC PUG this month!
First, you could win a book! Chris Harjes (You may know him as The @grmpyprogrammer) has generously donated an electronic copy of his book “The Grumpy Programmer’s Guide to Building Testable Application in PHP” for one lucky attendee to win this month. If you have read the PHPUnit documentation (or if you haven’t) and just don’t feel like you know where to start when testing, this may be the book for you.
Second (and even more awesome) our very own regular, John Kary @johnkary will be giving what promises to be a great talk on using git for development and collaborative workflows. Joel is even letting us borrow his projector! If you don’t know John, he is an experienced PHP developer from Lawrence, and long time git and symfony advocate.
Drop by, learn and share!
Saturday, April 21 @2:30pm
Blackdog Coffeehouse
My git talk is titled “Everyday Effectiveness With git”. It will cover the following broad topics:
– Getting over the hurdles of using version control in your development process
– Setting up your environment
– Workflows (both personal sole-developer and team collaborative workflow)
– Hosting and sharing your code
I will take a pragmatic approach to showing you the “how” of being productive with git for everyday use.