March 2003 – XOOPS

This month, we looked at the surprisingly easy to install xoops2 from We are looking to see if we can help this project out by writing any modules you might think are missing, or by contributing to their on-line documentation. Read on for more about XOOPS!
We didn’t just talk about XOOPS either, we actually worked with it right there in the meeting. We walked through the install process, setting up modules and blocks, working with preferences and groups…everything you would need to setup your own XOOPS in a Saturday afternoon.

A couple of us are going to try working with a live install for a while to see if we get any ideas of things that are lacking. I’m hoping to finally get around to setting up that family website. And Doug was giving it a go as an intranet portal. Of course, with it’s integrated forum, we even talked a little bit about using it to run the pug. It would be nice not to have to log in twice on the site. đŸ˜‰

Please check it out at and offer any ideas or comments you would like to this article. What kind of site would you run? What kind of modules (image gallery, file repository, etc) would you need to run your site?

If you have access to a php install and a mysql database, XOOPS is easy to install into its own directory (I.e. you could run it in ) and not disturb your existing website. So if you find yourself with nothing to do some weekend, give it a try…I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Until next time…

607 thoughts on “March 2003 – XOOPS

    • March 2003 – XOOPS
      I’ve been working with XOOPS for the past two months. The system is quite easy to use and well designed. The only drawback I see is the forum. The XOOPS forum is based on v1.4.4 of phpBB. Certainly not up to the standard of phpBB 2.0.8. I am currently in the process of integrating phpBB 2.0.8 with my XOOPS site. Everything seems to be going well save for the look & feel (easily corrected) and group permissions. Of course I am trying to port over my old phpBB database. Starting from scratch would be much easier.

      Here is an abandoned project I was working on that entailed using XOOPS for a home theater style site.


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