Call for Speakers

Is there a php topic that you have been just itching to learn? Maybe something that you think would be of great help to the rest of our PHP loving community? Speaking at the KCPUG is a great way to make friends and gain experience. The “usual” speakers are just swamped this month, so this would be a great time to volunteer. πŸ˜‰

I’ll even buy a can of soda (or bottle of water) from the machine for the brave soul who steps up to the plate! If you are serious about speaking, please comment to this thread by Apr 21st.


EDITED: 2003-04-23 dholmes, Ok…So I whipped up a little something for this month. But the offer for a can of soda for just a little effort still stands. πŸ˜‰ Feel free to “Sign-up” with your comments below. If you don’t want to speak but have an idea, please offer those too. Half the work is finding something to talk about. πŸ™‚

181 thoughts on “Call for Speakers

  1. Call for Speakers
    Jim Lossing stopped me in the hall a while back and suggested testing frameworks as a topic. I have some (casual) experience with phpUnit and the testing system that Rasmus and Gang use on the php tree and most of PEAR. But I think he was looking for more Black-box, front end testing. Anyone out there use something like that in their world. Don’t be scared…you aren’t necessarily volunteering if you speak up. πŸ˜‰

    Chances are, this will be May’s Topic….as……has offered anything else. πŸ™‚

    Besides, I REALLY need to learn all about it for work. We don’t really have the staff for a QA department, so I would like to write one using php. πŸ˜‰

    • Call for Speakers
      Maybe I can do a Pear::phpUnit or Fueck’s phpunit for June. It’s very important to me, so I want to play with a few of them and get it right before I present. May will be fun though…I hope to see you there!!!
    • Call for Speakers
      If anyone is interested, I could probably give a presentation on ADOdb or Smarty. I happen to be extremely familiar with both.

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